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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

本隐私政策适用于本网站(“本网站”), 是由奈特健康控股公司拥有和经营的吗, 有限责任公司, 及/或其附属公司及相关公司(“ScionHealth”), “澳门银河网上赌场”或“澳门银河网上赌场”), and forms part of the Terms and Conditions of Use that govern your 使用 of the Site.


By using our Site, 您确认您已阅读本隐私政策, and agree to be bound by it. 如果您不同意本隐私政策中的任何条款, your remedy is not to 使用 the Site.


  • notice/awareness
  • choice/同意
  • access/participation
  • integrity/security

Privacy Policy last 更新d:
 December 23, 2021

  1. 澳门银河网上赌场收集的信息和澳门银河网上赌场如何收集 

    澳门银河网上赌场可能会以不同的方式向您收集不同种类的信息. 本隐私政策向您说明澳门银河网上赌场的信息收集, 使用, and disclosure practices and applies to information gathered through your 使用 of this Site and your electronic communications through this Site. 澳门银河网上赌场通过以下方式在本网站收集信息:

    1. Voluntarily Provided. 在访问和使用本网站的过程中,您可能会提供个人信息. In the course of doing so, 你可能会被要求提供有关你自己的信息, including your name, 电子邮件地址, mailing address, 出生日期, 或其他个人身份信息(“个人信息”). 您也可以在提交查询时提供自愿信息, asking us to provide information to you, or applying for a job. 您可以选择是否披露个人信息, 但您可能无法在不披露信息的情况下使用本网站. We may collect information you send us, 使用 pseudonymous identifiers, 总这, and/or de-personalize it.
    2. Technologically Gathered. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会在您浏览本网站时自动收集一些信息. We may combine information about your 使用 with information about others’ 使用 to generate aggregated information about visitors as a group. 特别是, 澳门银河网上赌场使用谷歌Analytics和Facebook Pixels来收集用户统计数据, 这能帮助澳门银河网上赌场了解用户的年龄, 性别, and preferences. 澳门银河网上赌场也可能收集和存储您的IP地址, your operating system version, your browser version, the pages you visit within the Site, 您在网站页面上花费的时间长度, the site from which you linked to ours, 您在搜索引擎中使用的搜索词导致您链接到本网站, 等. We may review this information and 使用 it to view and create reports to assist us with analyzing our 使用rs’ preferences and patterns.

      We, 以及Facebook等第三方, may 使用 cookies, 网络信标, and other storage technologies to recognize you or to collect or 收到 information from your 使用 of the Site and elsewhere on the internet. 澳门银河网上赌场或Facebook等第三方可能会将通过存储技术收集的信息与您的信息进行汇总, 所收集的信息可用于加快您使用本网站的速度, to provide measurement services, 或者基于合法利益提供定向广告.

      1. “COOKIES”是由用户的互联网浏览器存储在用户计算机硬盘上的小块信息. 大多数互联网浏览器最初都设置为接受cookie. 您可以将浏览器设置为拒绝cookie, 但您可能无法访问或使用本网站的部分内容.
      2. “网络信标”是嵌入在网页或电子邮件中的一小段代码,可以帮助发送cookie. 网络信标帮助澳门银河网上赌场确定本网站的某个页面是否被浏览过,如果被浏览过,则确定被浏览了多少次. 虽然您不能在访问网页时拒绝接收网络信标, 如果您禁用HTML图像或拒绝HTML电子邮件消息,您可以选择不通过电子邮件接收网络信标, 但您可能无法体验本网站或服务的所有部分.
      3. “日志文件”:网站服务器自动识别您访问本网站时所使用的互联网URL. 澳门银河网上赌场也可能记录您的互联网协议(“IP”)地址,以供系统管理和故障排除之用. IP地址表示您的计算机在互联网上的位置.)
      4. FACEBOOK PIXELS AND GOOGLE ANALYTICS. 澳门银河网上赌场使用谷歌Analytics和Facebook Pixels来收集用户人口统计数据和在线行为, 这有助于澳门银河网上赌场了解澳门银河网上赌场的用户和他们的偏好. 下面将讨论澳门银河网上赌场对谷歌Analytics的使用. 澳门银河网上赌场还与澳门银河网上赌场的社交媒体分享您使用本网站的信息, 广告, and analytics partners.
  2. How We Use the Information

    一般, 澳门银河网上赌场使用通过本网站收集的信息来改进和个性化本网站, to communicate with you via email, 改善, 管理, 定制, and/or maintain the Site, 了解用户的偏好和模式, 履行澳门银河网上赌场的义务,行使澳门银河网上赌场的权利. 这些信息的披露是基于合法利益. We may 使用 your depersonalized information to conduct 市场 research and analysis for ourselves and for others or disclose information about demographics or 使用 of our Site in a way that does not personally identify you. 澳门银河网上赌场也可能使用您的个人信息向您发送有关澳门银河网上赌场澳门银河网上赌场关联公司服务的服务信息. 澳门银河网上赌场只会通过电子邮件或短信向您发送您已同意接收的营销信息. 澳门银河网上赌场不会使用个人信息来做出自动决策.

  3. Disclosure to Third Parties

    澳门银河网上赌场可能会在有限的时间内披露您的个人信息, 主要是为了执行法定权利或获得您的授权.

    1. General Disclosures. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会根据传票或其他法院命令披露您的个人信息, if otherwise required by law, 或者是为了配合执法部门. We may disclose your Personal information when we believe that doing so is necessary or desirable (a) to enforce our rights or defend against legal claims, (b) to investigate, 防止, 或者对非法活动采取行动, suspected fraud, 人身安全受到人身威胁的情况, 侵犯知识产权或侵犯隐私权的指控和/或(c)法律另有规定的情况. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会在出售几乎所有资产的情况下披露您的个人信息, 合并, 解散, or reorganization, 或与ScionHealth的分立资产组合或信息的转让有关. If that happens, 新公司的隐私政策可能会指导进一步的保护, 使用, 以及披露您的个人信息.
    2. Sharing Information. 除非本隐私政策另有规定, we do not currently share, 出售, 或将您的个人信息出租给非附属第三方,以便他们提供, 市场, 并直接向你宣传产品和服务. 如果您想了解更多关于在线选择的信息,您可以访问选择 or
    3. Opt-out / California Residents. California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits 使用rs of the Site who are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties for their direct 市场ing purposes. ScionHealth does not share personal information with third parties for direct 市场ing purposes unless specifically permitted herein. 选择不将您的个人信息共享用于直接营销目的, please send an email to, or write us at:

      Attn: Legal, California Privacy Request
      680 S. 4号街
      Louisville, KY 40202-2412

    4. Outside the EEA. ScionHealth总部设在美国. 通过与ScionHealth共享您的个人信息, 您正在将您的个人信息传输到欧洲经济区以外的美国. 如果康健与上述其他个人或实体共享您的信息, 这些接受者也位于欧洲经济区以外和美国.
  4. Basis for Processing Information


  5. Managing Your Information

    Your Rights, 一般. 您对您的个人信息享有某些权利. We strive to provide you with access to your Personal Information that we hold so long as the burden or expense of doing so is not disproportionate to the risks to your privacy and where the rights of others would not be violated. 具体地说, 您有权访问澳门银河网上赌场向您收集的个人信息的副本并进行核实, 更新, or correct it (including to have obsolete information removed); rectify, 修改, 擦除, and/or export your Personal Information; object to the 过程ing of your Personal Information; request data portability; and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. 澳门银河网上赌场在您同意的基础上处理您的个人信息, 您有权随时通过澳门银河网上赌场撤回您的同意. 您也可以要求了解澳门银河网上赌场如何处理澳门银河网上赌场保留的您的个人信息, how we have 使用d it, 以及澳门银河网上赌场通过与澳门银河网上赌场联系而向他们披露的信息. 以下机制为您提供了如何控制您的个人信息的某些选项:

    1. 访问、修改或删除您的个人信息. 您可以通过向澳门银河网上赌场发送书面请求,要求以电子格式免费获取您的个人信息副本. 根据您的要求,澳门银河网上赌场将从与本网站相关的记录中删除您的个人信息. 如果您希望更新/更正个人信息或从澳门银河网上赌场的记录中删除您的个人信息, 请通过电子邮件将您的要求发送给澳门银河网上赌场 or via postal mail at:

      Attn: Compliance, Online Records Update
      680 S. 4号街
      Louisville, KY 40202-2412

    2. 退出. If you are in the European Economic Area, 只有在您明确同意的情况下,澳门银河网上赌场才会向您发送营销电子邮件. 您可以随时通过以下电子邮件向澳门银河网上赌场发送请求,选择不接收澳门银河网上赌场的营销电子邮件 或通过邮政邮件在上面列出的地址, 或使用澳门银河网上赌场电子邮件中提供的方式(如点击“退订”).
    3. 不要跟踪. 有些浏览器有“不跟踪”功能, 当启用, 表示您不希望被跟踪的网站和在线服务. We take no action in response to web browser signals and other mechanisms that enable consumers to exercise choice about behavioral tracking beca使用 there is still no acceptance standard for how to respond to them.
  6. Data Protection

    澳门银河网上赌场非常重视保护您的个人信息. 虽然澳门银河网上赌场努力保护您的个人信息,但澳门银河网上赌场不能保证绝对安全. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any security breach that results from ca使用s or events that are beyond our control, such as acts of God, 黑客, 恐怖主义, 停电, 第三方安全产品和服务存在缺陷, your own acts or omissions, and other similar events. 请注意,没有任何安全措施是完美的或牢不可破的,因此安全无法保证.

  7. 饼干

    To make the visit to our website attractive and enable the 使用 of certain functions to display suitable products or for 市场 research, we 使用 cookies on various pages. This serves to safeguard our legitimate interests in optimizing the representation of our offer that is predominant in the context of weighing our interests. cookie是自动存储在您设备上的小文本文件. 澳门银河网上赌场使用的一些cookie在浏览器会话结束后被删除.e.,关闭浏览器后(会话cookie). 其他cookie保留在您的设备上,使澳门银河网上赌场能够在您下次访问时识别您的浏览器(持久cookie)。. 存储的持续时间可以在您的web浏览器的cookie设置的概述中找到. You can set your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies and individually decide on their acceptance or exclude the acceptance of cookies for specific cases or in general. 每个浏览器管理cookie设置的方式不同. 这在每个浏览器的帮助菜单中都有说明, 其中解释了如何更改cookie设置. 这些网页可在下列连结中找到:

    Internet Explorer:
    铬: = en&hlrm = en&回答= 95647

  8. 网络分析

    For website analysis, this website 使用s Google Analytics, 由谷歌有限责任公司 ( This serves to safeguard our legitimate interests in optimizing the representation of our offer that are predominant in the context of weighing our interests. 谷歌Analytics使用的方法允许您分析网站的使用情况,例如cookie. The automatically collected information about your 使用 of this website is usually transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States. 通过激活本网站的IP匿名化, the IP address will be shortened prior to transmission within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. 只有在特殊情况下,完整的IP地址才会被发送到美国的谷歌服务器并在那里缩短. The anonymized IP address provided by Google Analytics within the framework of Google Analytics will generally not be merged with other data provided by Google.

    谷歌有限责任公司总部位于美国,并通过了欧盟-美国隐私盾认证. 当前的证书可以在这里查看. 根据美国和欧盟委员会之间的协议, 后者为获得私隐护盾认证的公司建立了适当的数据保护水平.

    You can 防止 the collection of the data (including your IP address) generated by the cookie and related to your 使用 of the website from Google as well as the 过程ing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: As an alternative to the browser plug-in, 您可以点击此链接,以防止谷歌分析在本网站的收集. 选择退出cookie存储在您的设备上. 如果您删除了您的cookies,您必须再次点击链接.

  9. Data Retention


  10. 孩子们

    This Site is not intended for 使用 by children under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 on this Site. 如果澳门银河网上赌场发现任何信息是从18岁以下的儿童收集的, 这些信息将立即从澳门银河网上赌场的网站上删除. 如果您担心您的孩子使用本网站, 您可以使用网络过滤技术来监督或限制对本网站的访问.

  11. European Union

    就《澳门银河网上赌场网站》而言, 通过本网站收集的信息, 澳门银河网上赌场通常是数据控制方,您可以通过下面列出的联系方式与澳门银河网上赌场联系. 澳门银河网上赌场使用, 过程, 或在合法的合同基础上分享您的个人信息, 同意, legal obligation, and/or our legitimate interests. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用第三方数据处理者的服务,根据所确定的目的处理个人数据. We are based in the United States. 因此, 当澳门银河网上赌场收集您的个人信息时, 它可能会被转移到美国,澳门银河网上赌场在美国处理.

  12. Modifications to Privacy Policy

    澳门银河网上赌场可自行决定不时修改本隐私政策. 如果澳门银河网上赌场对本隐私政策作出重大更改,澳门银河网上赌场将在澳门银河网上赌场的网站上公布这些更改. 澳门银河网上赌场也可能通过电子邮件通知您有关更改. 您在收到通知后继续使用澳门银河网上赌场的网站,即受修改后的本隐私政策的约束.

  13. Contact Information

    如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,您可以通过以下方式与澳门银河网上赌场联系:,邮寄到ScionHealth,邮编680 S. 4日圣.,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州40202-2412,或免费电话(800)545-0749. We will 使用 reasonable efforts to respond promptly to reasonable requests or questions you may have regarding our 使用 of your Personal Information.


Effective Date: July 19, 2013

本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY.


ScionHealth致力于保护隐私和维护您受保护的健康信息的安全. 每次您从ScionHealth或其附属公司(一起)接收服务时, an affiliated covered entity), 澳门银河网上赌场记录您的身份信息以及与您的医疗状况相关的信息, provision of health care, or payment for your 治疗. 通常, 这份记录包括你的病史, 症状, 检查, 观察, 测试结果, 诊断, care summaries, 治疗, and future care plans. 了解您的健康信息及其使用方式对于保持其准确性和保密性非常重要. 本通知适用于澳门银河网上赌场的工作人员和其他医疗保健提供者,澳门银河网上赌场在临床综合设置(e.g., 澳门银河网上赌场的医疗和临床工作人员以及澳门银河网上赌场有组织的保健安排的其他参与者, 并且涉及您的受保护健康信息的使用和披露,无论是口头上的, 在纸上, or electronically, 包括通过ScionHealth或商业伙伴运营的健康信息交换.


Federal privacy laws allow ScionHealth to 使用 and disclose your health information for the following reasons or to the following entities:

  • 治疗 -澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用和披露您的健康信息来提供, 协调或管理您的治疗和相关服务, including disclosures to doctors, 护士, 技术人员, 学生, 志愿者, or other personnel involved in your care. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会向其他提供者披露您的健康信息,以方便他们为您提供护理. 例如, 澳门银河网上赌场可能会共享您的健康信息,以协调您的医疗保健和相关服务, such as care summaries, 处方, lab work and x-rays.
  • 付款 – We may 使用 and disclose your health information so that the 治疗 and services you 收到 are billed to and payment is collected from you, an insurance company or a third party. 例如, we may tell your health plan about your 治疗 plans to obtain prior approval or determine whether your plan will cover the 治疗.
  • Health Care Operations -澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用和披露您的健康信息用于澳门银河网上赌场的医疗保健业务. 这些使用和披露使澳门银河网上赌场能够不断提高您的护理质量和有效性. 例如, 澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用和披露您的健康信息来审查澳门银河网上赌场的治疗和服务, manage your care, 并评估澳门银河网上赌场的员工和其他照顾您的人的表现. We may also combine your health information with health information from others so that our quality improvement team and other participants in our organized health care arrangements can identify improvements in the care and services you 收到.
  • Facility Directory Purposes -如果您在ScionHealth设施中接受服务, 当您是患者时,澳门银河网上赌场可能会在设施目录中包含您的某些有限信息. 这些信息可能包括您的姓名、在设施中的位置、一般情况(例如.g., fair, stable, 等.) and religious affiliation. The directory information, except for your religious affiliation, 可以释放给那些指名道姓找你的人吗. 你的宗教信仰可以交给神职人员, such as a priest or rabbi, even if they don’t ask for you by name. 设施目录是用来让你的家庭, 朋友和神职人员可以拜访你,大致知道你过得怎么样. 如果你想退出在目录, 请联系隐私和安全联系人.
  • 致家庭成员和其他参与照顾您的人 – Unless you object, 澳门银河网上赌场可能会向您的家庭成员透露, 一个相对, 一个亲密的朋友或任何其他你认为的人, 你的健康信息直接关系到那个人是否参与了你的健康护理. 如果你不能同意或反对这样的披露, 如果澳门银河网上赌场根据专业判断认为符合您的最佳利益,澳门银河网上赌场可能会在必要时披露信息. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用或披露健康信息来通知或协助通知家庭成员, personal representative, 或者任何其他负责保护你位置的人, general condition, 或死亡.
  • Disaster Relief – We may 使用 or disclose your health information to an authorized public or private entity to assist in disaster relief efforts to coordinate notifying your family members of your location, general condition 或死亡.
  • Incidental Disclosures – Some incidental disclosures of your health information may occur during otherwise permitted 使用 or disclosure of your health information. 例如,一个来访者可能无意中听到关于你在护理站的护理的讨论. 澳门银河网上赌场已经实施了适当的保护措施来保护您的信息隐私, 比如把谈话的音量调小.
  • As Required by Law -澳门银河网上赌场可能会在联邦政府要求时披露您的健康信息, state or local law.
  • Public Health Activities -澳门银河网上赌场可能会向适当的公共卫生活动机构披露您的健康信息, 包括预防或控制疾病, reporting adverse events, product defects, 或用于食品和药物管理局的报告. 经家长同意,澳门银河网上赌场可向学校提供所需的免疫记录, guardian or other representative.
  • Crime, Ab使用 and Neglect Reporting – We may disclose your health information to a government authority if we reasonably believe you have been a victim of a crime or a victim of ab使用, neglect or domestic violence.
  • Health Oversight Activities – We may disclose your health information to a health oversight agency for activities such as audits; investigations; licensure or disciplinary actions; or for civil, administrative or criminal proceedings.
  • Judicial and Administrative Proceedings -澳门银河网上赌场可能会根据法院或行政法庭的命令披露您的健康信息. 澳门银河网上赌场也可能会根据传票披露您的健康信息, discovery request, or other lawful 过程 once efforts have been made to tell you about the request or obtain an order protecting the information requested.
  • Law Enforcement Purposes – In certain circumstances, we may disclose your health information for law enforcement purposes to a law enforcement official including disclosures for identification and location purposes; pertaining to crime victims; if we suspect a death occurred as a result of a crime; if we believe a crime occurred on the premises; or to alert law enforcement in certain medical emergencies.
  • 验尸官,法医和组织捐赠 -澳门银河网上赌场可能会披露您的健康信息,以识别死者或确定死亡原因, 给葬礼承办人,协助他们履行职责, 或者向器官采购组织提供器官采购便利, 眼部或组织捐赠及移植.
  • 研究 -在某些情况下,澳门银河网上赌场可能会向研究人员使用和披露您的健康信息, 例如,通过特殊程序批准的研究,旨在保护您的健康信息隐私.
  • 避免对健康或安全的严重威胁 – We may 使用 and disclose your health information when necessary to 防止 a serious and imminent threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another to someone able to help 防止 the threat.
  • Specialized Government Functions -澳门银河网上赌场可能会在某些军事和退伍军人活动中使用和披露您的健康信息, 例如,如果你是或曾经是武装部队的一员,就向军事当局提交. We may also disclose information when requested by federal officials for national security or intelligence activities or for the protection of certain public officials.
  • Correctional Institutions – If you are an inmate, we may disclose your health information to your custodial correctional institution or law enforcement officials in certain circumstances.
  • Workers’ Compensation -澳门银河网上赌场可能会披露您的健康信息,以遵守与工人赔偿或类似计划有关的法律.
  • 沟通 -澳门银河网上赌场可能会与您联系,以提供预约和补充提醒, alternative 治疗s, 以及你可能感兴趣的其他与健康相关的服务,如疾病管理项目和社区服务.
  • Business Associates -与澳门银河网上赌场签订合同以代表澳门银河网上赌场提供服务的服务提供商可能会创建, 收到, maintain or transmit your health information once they agree in writing to protect the privacy and security of your health information.
  • To Health and Human 服务 – We may disclose your health information to the Secretary of Health and Human 服务 for compliance reviews and complaint investigations.
  • 筹款 -澳门银河网上赌场可能会使用有限的健康信息与您联系筹款活动. 例如,澳门银河网上赌场可能会联系您为ScionHealth基金会筹集资金. You have the right to opt out of receiving such communications by providing us notice through one of the opt out methods we provide.
  • 市场营销 – With a few exceptions, we must have your written authorization to 使用 or disclose your health information to make a communication about a product or service that encourages the recipients of the communication to purchase or 使用 the product or service. 例如, we may communicate with you face-to-face regarding services that may be of interest and provide you with promotional gifts of nominal value.
  • Psychotherapy Notes -澳门银河网上赌场必须得到您的书面授权才能使用或披露您的心理治疗记录,但某些治疗除外, 支付和保健业务目的, 如果法律或卫生监督活动要求披露, or to avert a serious threat.
  • Sale of Protected Health Information – With few exceptions, we must have your written authorization for any disclosure of your health information that is a sale of protected health information and we must notify you that we will be paid for the disclosure.
  • Other Uses and Disclosures – Other 使用s and disclosures not described in this Notice will be made only with your written authorization unless otherwise required or permitted by law.
  • Revoking an Authorization -您可随时以书面形式撤销授权, except to the extent that we have relied on the authorization to disclose your health information or in certain circumstances when the authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage.

Your Health Information Rights

虽然您的医疗记录是ScionHealth的财产,但这些信息属于您. 对于您的健康信息,您拥有以下所述的合法权利. Your legal rights include a:

  • Right to Inspect and Copy – With some exceptions, you have the right to inspect and obtain a digital or hard copy of your health information maintained in your designated record set. 澳门银河网上赌场可能会收取人工、邮寄或其他用品的相关费用. 在某些有限的情况下,澳门银河网上赌场可能会拒绝你方查阅和复制的要求. 如果您被拒绝访问,您可以要求对拒绝进行审查.
  • Right to Amend -如果您认为澳门银河网上赌场掌握的有关您的健康信息不准确或不完整, 您有权要求修改您的健康信息. 只要澳门银河网上赌场保留这些信息,这项权利就存在. 你必须提供一个理由来支持你的请求. 在某些情况下,澳门银河网上赌场可能会拒绝你方的修改要求.
  • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures -您有权获得澳门银河网上赌场对您的健康信息所作的某些披露的清单. 您可以要求在您提出请求之日之前最多6年内对这些披露进行核算. 12个月内的第一次请求将免费提供给您. 在同一12个月内的后续请求可能会收取费用. 澳门银河网上赌场将通知您所涉及的费用,以便您可以在产生任何费用之前撤回或修改您的请求.
  • Right to Request Restrictions -您有权要求限制使用或披露您的健康信息进行治疗, payment and health care operations. You also have the right to request a restriction on disclosures about you to someone who is involved in your care or the payment for your care, like a family member or friend. We are not required to agree to your request except when you 1) request a restriction to your health plan for payment or health care operations purposes, 此外,法律也没有其他要求, 2)该请求仅与澳门银河网上赌场已全额支付的医疗保健项目或服务有关. 如果澳门银河网上赌场同意限制的话, 澳门银河网上赌场将遵从您的要求,除非该信息是为您提供紧急处理所需. 如果您希望其他提供商遵守相同的限制,则需要通知他们.
  • 接收保密通信的权利 -你有权要求以其他方式或在其他地点接收卫生信息. 澳门银河网上赌场将满足所有合理的要求.
  • Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice -你可随时索取本通知的纸质本, 即使您已同意以电子方式接收本通知.

All requests made under this section must be made in writing to the ScionHealth facility/location where you 收到 or 收到d care to the attention of the Privacy and Security Contact.

Our Responsibilities

法律要求澳门银河网上赌场维护受保护健康信息的隐私, 向您提供本通知,说明澳门银河网上赌场在受保护的健康信息方面的法律责任和隐私做法, 如果您受到未安全保护的健康信息泄露的影响,澳门银河网上赌场会通知您.

在本通知有效期间,澳门银河网上赌场必须遵守本通知的条款. We reserve the right to change the terms of our Notice and to make the new Notice provisions effective for all protected health information that we maintain. If we change the terms of our Notice, we will make copies of the new Notice available to you and post a copy of the new Notice in a prominent location in our facilities and on our website.

State Law Requirements

某些国家卫生信息法律法规, such as those dealing with mental health, HIV/AIDS or drug and alcohol records, may be more stringent that the federal privacy laws and further limit the 使用s and disclosures of your health information described above.


如果你认为你的隐私权被侵犯了, 你可以向ScionHealth或卫生与公众服务部部长投诉. You may file a complaint with the Privacy and Security Contact at the facility or location where you are or were receiving services or you may file a complaint using ScionHealth’s Compliance Hotline at (844) 760-5835. 你不会因为投诉而受到报复.


If you have questions about this Notice, please contact the facility or location where you are or were receiving care and request to speak to the Privacy and Security Contact. 您也可以联系ScionHealth的合规部门,电话:(800)545-0749.